Today is Saturday.
Normally Saturday is one of the best days of the week.
Am I right? But, this Saturday is different.

Our friend and teacher was put on trial unfairly and convicted unjustly,
Jesus was hung on a cross. He died and He was buried,
The One we thought was our Messiah was crucified,

We are still in shock.
We are wondering “How did we get it so wrong?”
We are replaying all of our time together in our heads, recounting all of the miracles, the talks, the moments that made us CERTAIN that Jesus WAS the Son of God - that Jesus was our Savior.
Yet, here we are, crushed, mourning and heartbroken.
We are questioning everything we believe.


Ok, so maybe “we” aren’t reliving the experience of Jesus’ followers some 2000 years ago, but you’ve been in their place, probably more than once during your walk with Jesus.

The job, that you just knew was where God was leading you, that fell through,
The marriage, that started off as if it was ordained by Jesus himself, that is now tattered and on the brink of divorce,
The child, that you prayed so long for, that you thought was surely a gift from God but now resembles the spawn of Satan,

When things don’t turn out like we think they should it can leave us crushed, mourning and heartbroken.
We start questioning everything we believe about God.
“Is He really good?”
“Did He really promise me that?”
“I thought Jesus was my Savior, but right now I don’t feel His presence anywhere in my life, it’s like He is dead and buried.”

My dear friend, just like that Saturday so long ago, Jesus is alive and working.
He is still working ALL things out for the good of those that love Him,

He is placing you in the perfect job that allows you to be Love & Light to the broken world around you,
He is resurrecting your marriage like He rose from the dead,
He is drawing in your wayward child like He drew Mary to His grave,

Devastation and Disappointment.
Mourning and Questioning.
Resurrection and Rejoicing.

A lot can happen in 3 days.
Just imagine what Jesus can do with 3 weeks, 3 years or 3 decades if we trust Him and let Him lead us.
Be patient and give Jesus time to work a miracle and it will all work out in the end.
If your situation is still dead and lifeless, just know, this is not the end!

Sunday is coming.